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How to Donate

The South Cleveland Heart Fund (SCHF) relies heavily on the generosity of its supporters to enable the fund to carry out its mission, which is to raise as much money as possible for the Cardiothoracic Unit at James Cook University Hospital. We are often amazed at the readiness of people to support our cause and the ingenious ways they choose to raise funds for our appeal.

To donate funds to the SCHF:

  • You can make a one off donation, however small, or donate monthly through our "Just Giving" page. Please do Click here to 


  • You can make a donation by cheque: Please make your cheque payable to the South Cleveland Heart Fund and send it to our treasurer at the address here:                          Please enclose a covering letter giving your name, address and any contact details.

  • You can make a legacy gift in your will, with gift aid


How do we raise funds?

The South Cleveland Heart Fund stall is open weekly, every Tuesday from 1pm onwards at the James Cook University Hospital (on the corridor leading to Ward 1) and is also taken to shows and fetes.

The stall sells a wide range of goods including;

  • South Cleveland Heart Fund Badges.

  • T-shirts and polo shirts all embroidered with the South Cleveland Heart Fund logo as well as fancy goods and bric-a-brac.

We also organise social fund-raising events;

  • Sponsored events

  • Charity events

  • Coffee mornings

  • Garden parties

  • Christmas / Autumn Fair

Please see the News page for more information about upcoming events.

How can you help?

You may like to:

  • Give us notice in writing that you are a tax payer (see the document library for the form) - this will allow us to claim Gift Aid on your donations.

  • Sign a deed of covenant (the amount will be increased as we can reclaim your tax).

  • Organise a fund-raising event to raise money (please e-mail us for help & advice!).

  • Come along to our Charity events.

  • Donate bric-a-brac for the stall as well as tombola/raffle prizes for our fund-raising events. You can drop items off at the stall or contact Mr Sam Hussain (Vice Chair) on 07926586398 or by email or our Facebook page,  to discuss alternatives.

  • Alternatively, please feel free to contact us with other suggestions.

The Importance of Gift Aid

For every £100 donated by taxpayers, if you gift aid it we receive £125! This emphasises the importance to the Fund of Taxpayers gift aiding their donations. It is better if a gift aid certificate accompanies donations, but also, a simple note that gift aid is to be applied to a donation along with the donor's name, house number and post code will suffice.

Thank you so much for your donations - great or small - every penny counts.

© 2024 South Cleveland Heart fund - All text and images except *stock images by Wix and Content Creator "Public Domain Pictures" at

Call us:


Our House, 1 Our Street, Middlesborough

The South Cleveland Heart Fund (SCHF) is a registered charity: England and Wales number. 1051565

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